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Afraid of the Dark?

Many people are afraid of the dark. We’ve all witnessed the fact that bad things happen when it’s dark outside. Some of us have security lights on the outside of our homes because we believe that light chases away bad people, and that light protects us from things that will hurt us. I’m sure that we’ve all witnessed “dark moments” in our lives when our spirits are low and when we’ve become discouraged. We can be left with a sense of darkness in our lives when bad things happen to us—and we’re, sometimes, afraid to confront that darkness because we’re scared to face what’s inside of us.

Most of us have been taught that, when it’s dark outside, we need more light. We’re, also, taught that when it’s dark “inside” of us, we need to hide who we really are from other people and put-on a tough exterior. But it’s hard to live that way—particularly for a long period of time. Life can become almost unbearable when we’re not allowed to be ourselves, and to express our deepest thoughts and emotions. And that’s why, when we’re feeling surrounded by darkness and frightening emotions, we need to learn how to simply “move around” in that darkness instead of running away from it.

The counselors at the Blackburn Center are well-equipped to walk beside you when life is very hard. Abuse—whether it’s happening right now, or whether it happened long ago—is hard to face. The darkness that abuse creates can be both suffocating and unbearable to the victim. Trained counselors can bring a sense of direction in times of confusion. Even dark thoughts and emotions can be confronted when we find ourselves moving through the darkness with the help of another person. Counselors can’t always “bring the light back,” but they can help us to “move around” in the darkness as caring and supportive companions. We may not be able to quickly escape the darkness that fills our lives when we confront hurts and harsh realities—but the journey toward wholeness is much easier when we join hands with someone who truly cares about us.

Many people are afraid of the dark, and that fear can both paralyze and dis-empower us when we need help the most. It’s not easy for us to reach-out for help when we really need it—but it’s not easy to continue traveling through the darkness alone, either. And so, I’d encourage you, in the midst of your darkness, to pick-up the phone and take that very first, important step. Your traveling companion is waiting to hear from you—and you won’t regret asking for a little bit of help when you need it most.


Wayne was raised in Western Pennsylvania and has been an ordained pastor for nearly 26 years. He believes that our deepest calling in life is to “journey together” as companions in our walk through life.

Please note that the views expressed by guest bloggers represent their own personal views, and not necessarily those of Blackburn Center.


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