At Blackburn Center, we provide a full range of services to survivors and victims of all types of gender-based violence and crime, including sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, stalking, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and elder abuse. Many of our services are both well-known and readily understood, such as crisis counseling, therapy, an emergency shelter, a 24-hour hotline, and support groups.
In addition to these services, we provide other types of support to survivors and victims in Westmoreland County. Below, we explain some of these services so that you better understand the types of help that are available if you are dealing with abuse, violence, or crime.
Healthcare System Support Services
Too often, survivors and victims of crimes like human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence require emergency medical care. Our medical advocates can meet survivors and victims at medical facilities throughout Westmoreland County to provide advocacy and accompaniment during medical examinations. This support can include everything from offering information about options and resources, providing a change of clothing, or simply being there for someone who is dealing with a traumatic event.
Our medical advocacy services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have experienced violence or crime and require medical care, the local hospitals may request a medical advocate on your behalf.
Court System Support Services
Survivors and victims of gender-based violence and crime are often required to go to court – and in many cases, they have to go to court more than once. This may include seeking a Protection from Abuse (PFA) Order, attending a PFA hearing, appearing before a magisterial district justice at a hearing, or being a party or witness at a trial.
Going to court can be stressful, particularly when you are a survivor or victim, and the legal matter relates to your victimization. Blackburn Center offers legal advocacy and accompaniment to support survivors and victims throughout legal system proceedings. Our legal advocates will go to court with you and provide support, encouragement, and information about available options. It is not a form of legal representation but is instead a form of emotional support.
Blackburn Center Legal
In addition to legal system support, Blackburn Center offers civil legal representation for survivors and victims of violence and crime. This representation is limited to issues that are directly related to our clients’ victimization, such as divorce, child custody, child support, housing, and Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders. Blackburn Center Legal’s services are free of charge for eligible clients.
As always, we are here for survivors, victims, and their loved ones. We offer a range of services for survivors and victims, including court and healthcare system support. If you need help, reach out by calling 1-888-832-2272 (TDD available). All services are free of charge and can be anonymous.